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Launch of 'Technical Paper 15' & the need to communicate & support certification

“Technical Paper 15 - Assessing risks in insulation retrofits using hygrothermal software tools - Heat and moisture transport in internally insulated stone walls” originally commissioned by Historic Scotland (a branch of the Scottish Government, now restructured as Historic Environment Scotland) was launched in September 21st 2015 in Dublin. It is intended to be a significant support to building professionals and building fabric consultants engaging with the topics of:
1) Applied building physics relevant to solid wall construction;
2) Hygrothermal risk assessment;

Damp & sins - case studies for 'Built to Last' research project

At the last meeting with (13-09-13) Dublin City Council steering group, most of the two groups of case studies were agreed. 6 (possibly 7) no. houses representing energy efficieny-retrofitted dwellings and 6 (possibly 7) representing largely untouched dwellings, ripe for works. That allows our consortium's teams to start visiting households, digging in their attic, looking at fuel bills and creating BERs, etc.

Hygrothermal risk analysis service

Building Life Consultancy provides hygrothermal risk analysis in accordance with two international standards (IS EN ISO 13788 and IS EN 15026). The first is limited to steady state analysis and a limited range of constructions and issues. The second is far more accurate and allows a range of climate conditions, conditions that vary with time, levels of failure/reality, and types of construction.

Achievements & firsts

Summer 2016: A book will be published by Dublin City Council titled 'Built to Last - Energy Efficiency in Pre-1945 Historic Dwellings in Dublin City'. Building Life Consultancy with Fergal McGirl Architects, IHER will be the authors. The book arises from the Dublin City Heritage Plan. It will featrure a jumber of firsts including measuring U-values and a-values.

Our Expertise

Joseph Little Architects is a unique, science-based practice. The practice has three sides: architectural practice, training and building fabric consultancy 

We have a high regard for aesthetics, light and beauty but believe that the hard-earned money of clients and the Earth's resources are best used if scientific evaluation underpin the design, construction and retrofit of our buildings. We believe there is no conflict in delivering great energy efficiency, low carbon construction and award-winning design: we believe this sets us apart


Building Life Consultancy, a trading name of Joseph Little Architects, is the Irish Co-Operation Partner of Fraunhofer IBP for development of, and training in, the Wufi® suite of risk assesssment software. We are also the UK and Ireland's leading practitioners of hygrothernal assessment using the WUFI suite of assessment tools.

Wufi Support

Building Life Consultancy is happy to quote for the provision of an hygrothermal assessment of your proposed or existing building using the Wufi suite of software tools. We're happy to provide example reports and our rates are favourable. Why not email us?

If you have any question regarding use of Wufi you may post it in the general Wufi forum or the Wufi Ireland & UK forum.

Useful Resources

The following documents by Joseph Little & his team are relevant to the use of Wufi:

Historic Scotland Technical Paper 15 - Assessing insulation retrofits with hygrothermal simulations – Heat and moisture transfer in insulated solid stone walls (.pdf)

Published in 

Building Life Consultancy

Building Life Consultancy is one of Ireland's leading consultancies evaluating the performance of buildings and their materials (whether proposed or existing). We combine many years of architecture, construction experience, building physics understanding and the use of a wide-range of simulation and evaluation tools to do this. We serve markets in several countries, notably Ireland, UK, Czech Republic and Canada.

We provide the following services:


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