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Our Expertise

Joseph Little Architects is a unique, science-based practice. The practice has three sides: architectural practice, training and building fabric consultancy 

We have a high regard for aesthetics, light and beauty but believe that the hard-earned money of clients and the Earth's resources are best used if scientific evaluation underpin the design, construction and retrofit of our buildings. We believe there is no conflict in delivering great energy efficiency, low carbon construction and award-winning design: we believe this sets us apart

We believe passionately in the need for a step-change in building fabric design. This passion and our research has resulted in us writing numerous articles and papers over many years (see Articles). Through these we have been pioneers in raising awareness about the careful retrofit of solid walls; tips for energy efficient retrofit work, the value of low carbon construction and the limits of partial-fill cavity walling. We were the first to give training on thermal modelling and hygrothermal analysis in Ireland, and taught the first low energy and retrofit courses to practicing architects through the RIAI. Check out upcoming training courses here.

Joseph Little Architects focuses on Passive House design of new buildings (including apartments, houses and schools) and the careful energy efficient retrofit of existing buildings. When appropriate we can retrofit the latter to super-low energy standards. We know this does not suit many traditional (i.e. pre-1945) solid wall buildings and have a range of solutions to suit these, supported by the evaluation of Building LIfe. We place great importance on achieving construction quality and ensuring occupant and building health

Building Life Consultancy (the science-based side of the practice) has had a significant influence in Ireland and the UK since its launch in 2009. In 2011 it was made the Irish co-operation partner of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics and in 2013 it led a consortium that won the tender to generate research that will be published as 'Built to Last- Energy Efficiency in Pre-1945 Historic Dwellings in Dublin City': this wide-based study will include creating dwelling classifications, measuring building materials, hygrothermal simulation, providing homeowner advice etc.: all very exciting