Little’s talk at Ecobuild 2012 on assessing risk of interstitial condensation and mould in internal wall insulation retrofits (AKA drylining) of solid walled houses went down a storm. We believe twitterers were tweeting in force afterwards! Only problem is that it appears he may never have mentioned the name of the software we use (i.e. WUFI) nor the fact that we’re running courses on it this April in Leeds! Oops.
If you’re interested in downloading a copy of the presentation (before the organisers get around to uploading it) you may like to know that it’s a repeat of a talk given at the Passivhaus Trust conference last October in the Barbican Centre. Click on link beside ‘Joseph Little’ at:
Click here for those interested in training in hygrothermal simulation (i.e. a part of which is to do with assessing interstitial condensation and mould): The one-dimensional WUFI Pro will be taught on 19-20 April and the two-dimensional WUFI 2D will be taught on 23-24 April.